Controlled Burn notice

Dear Neighbors, in coming days, when the weather is right, Riverbank Neighbors will be conducting a controlled burn of some sections of the Riverbank at Berteau on the east side of the Chicago River.

During the burn, please stay well back and don’t distract the crew. Thank you.

A wonderful video about the much larger controlled burns conducted in the forest preserves of Illinois are is here.

And another completely fantastic short video, highlighting the beautiful flowers of the region and a local photographer, Mike MacDonald is here:

These a really spectacular little film clips. Please share them with your family and your block club list. The clips show the larger effort that our work is inspired by, the North Branch Restoration Project. more to come..

Many thanks to all who attended our workday last weekend.

We prepped the riverbank for the coming burn, shared news, met new neighbors, had a beautiful day in the sun, and sang songs.

We also said a collective prayer (secular/non-denominational expression of intention) to protect those who are maintaining chernobyl, holding them in our hearts, hoping they could be protected and allowed to switch shifts and kept safe. We know almost everyone is very worried, but lets look to the good people, the heros, the helpers, the healers.. and the those working to keep us safe .. to keep our spirits up.

hope everyone is well. see you at the river..

jules for rbn

Sun, March 20, Spring Equinox

Sunday, March 20, 2022
11-12 Riverbank workday,
12-1 gather for fire, community, and small ceremony of hope, details below.


Tomorrow, Sunday, March 20th, Riverbank Neighbors invites you to our first riverbank event of 2022, from 11:00 until 1:00 to observe the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring and the official end of Winter. Soon, the spring flowers will come!

At 11, we’ll meet at the east side of the river and Berteau, and from 11 to noon, we’ll have a short workday and do some path maintenance and prep for a planned prescribed burn of the riverbank at the end of the month.

After the workday, at noon, we will gather around a fire and share news and have a small ceremony of hope.

In the past, many members of Riverbank Neighbors have been activists for environmental, social justice, and peace. Many are still doing that work or looking for ways to do so. And so, Sunday, after our workday, at noon, we will have a small campfire to gather and share news and gather for a ceremony, to light candles of hope for protection of all humanity from the violence of war and, for peace, for protection for the precious staff at Chernobyl in their most important duty, for the protection of all refugees, from everyplace in the world where people struggle to protect their children and loved ones in need.

We will light candles in hope of healing and peace in the world and in our own community, Riverbank Neighbors. If anyone would like to join us in song, we will sing together, one healing song, of hope for the children, for a harmonious future where everyone is welcome, where everyone has value, where forgiveness is possible and where there are no enemies.  We hope you will join us.

Thank you to all who attended our Controlled Burn Support Crew Training.
It was very exciting be joined by so many from the Montrose Metra Garden!
We’ll share that video in another email soon.

for RBN, Jules

a drawing of a peace dove by Picasso

Equinox Stewardship and Observance

Dear Riverbank Friends, 

We would like to invite you to a short workday and celebration on Sunday, March 20, from 11:00 until 1:00 to observe the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring and the official end of Winter.

Goodbye Winter! We will do some clean up and path maintenance from 11:00 until 12:00. Part of our work will be preparation for a planned prescribed burn of the riverbank at the end of the month.

We will then gather around  a fire from 12:00 until 1:00 to share greetings, stories and libations. Let us know if you would like to help set up and organize this neighborhood greeting of Spring.