Dear Neighbors, in coming days, when the weather is right, Riverbank Neighbors will be conducting a controlled burn of some sections of the Riverbank at Berteau on the east side of the Chicago River.
During the burn, please stay well back and don’t distract the crew. Thank you.
A wonderful video about the much larger controlled burns conducted in the forest preserves of Illinois are is here.
And another completely fantastic short video, highlighting the beautiful flowers of the region and a local photographer, Mike MacDonald is here:
These a really spectacular little film clips. Please share them with your family and your block club list. The clips show the larger effort that our work is inspired by, the North Branch Restoration Project. more to come..
Many thanks to all who attended our workday last weekend.
We prepped the riverbank for the coming burn, shared news, met new neighbors, had a beautiful day in the sun, and sang songs.
We also said a collective prayer (secular/non-denominational expression of intention) to protect those who are maintaining chernobyl, holding them in our hearts, hoping they could be protected and allowed to switch shifts and kept safe. We know almost everyone is very worried, but lets look to the good people, the heros, the helpers, the healers.. and the those working to keep us safe .. to keep our spirits up.
hope everyone is well. see you at the river..
jules for rbn