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Dear River Bank Friends,
The days have been mild. The rain, tho not enough, has been gentle.
We still have lots to do, pruning and weeding, and fixing trails and walls.
Please join us tomorrow for stewardship, 9-11:00. (Saturday Aug 27th)
Look for us between Berteau and Hutchinson.
Afterwards we can share some lunch if you are able.
Hope to see you,

We shall meet you at the river

Aug 13, 2022

Dear Riverbank Neighbors,
Join us tomorrow morning for a stewardship workday: weeding, pruning and repairing. We can do a wildflower walk to test our flower ID skills, and Pete can bring you up-to-date on the Waters School Crisis. Please visit and sign  the petition and leave a comment. We are hoping to reach 1,000 signatures by Tuesday’s LSC meeting.
Meet at the River and Berteau Ave. 9:00 – 11:00
Many thanks, 

August River Sunday mornings

Aug 6, 2022

Dear Riverbank Neighbors and new community members,

If you haven’t heard what’s happened to Pete Leki, stewardship and protection of Waters Garden, or the entire ecology program, then please read here.

If you appreciate what Pete brings to the community,
if you love the riverbank,
love Waters Garden,
appreciate the ecology program K-8 at Waters for decades, bringing generations of Waters students to the Riverbank,
the forest, the lake, and the garden,
if you appreciate the Environmental Justice activism we do,
please lend a hand and send him a message of support that can be posted publicly, as well as signing the petition on the website.  (we’re not asking donations right now)

Please check here to get updates, read other peoples letters of support, and read the other newspaper articles and newsletters by Pete.

back to Riverbank Neighbors…

We’ve scheduled three scheduled upcoming August Riverbank mornings.

9-11AM Sunday August 7th, 14th, and 21st.

Sometimes we have to change the schedule due to rain or heatwave or other unforeseen event. Check the website calendar for updates, rain dates, or any scheduling changes on the day of the event.  We usually meet at Berteau unless indicated otherwise, on the east side of the Chicago River.  

Hope to see you at the river tomorrow, Sunday at 9.