July 16 Riverbank News

Throughout the summer, our Riverbank Neighbor Stewardship Days are Sundays 12-2.

Today, July 16th, the air pollution is quite bad. Some of our community and organizers are quite

affected by it. But we’ll be at the riverbank at noon for a flower walk, light weeding, gathering seeds.

Thanks to all.

reminder that you can make donations to our fiscal agent, following the directions on our website.

We use the donations to pay for hoses, tools, fence material, and sometimes pizza to feed our volunteer community work crew (children included!)

be well, everyone.


a message from Jules:

This fall, The Green Council of the 47th Ward will be hosting an event that’s about talking to your children about the Climate Emergency.

I want to invite you to write back to this email now, or in the future, to share some of your feelings about it. At a recent Green Council meeting, three people had tears in their eyes about thinking about climate change and the effect on their children and the world. I know many of you feel the same. As a community, we have attended climate change marches, promoted local sustainable community lifestyle, yet many act as if climate change isn’t real. Please write to us about your feelings, let us know if you want it kept private or shared with the community anonymously only. Thank you.

The organizers of Riverbank Neighbors and the Green Council have passed the Climate Emergency Resolution, which is on our website.

Many years ago, we took a pledge to be part of the solution to the problems of Climate Change.

We’ve done alot. Lets do more and find ways to help show our children that we do care and prioritize their future, with joy, with community.


Green Council Announcements

check here for updates

  • 7/18 – Sierra Club’s Transportation Group is having a hybrid meeting. It will be at their office at 70 E Lake St, Chicago, IL 60601 from 6-7:30. It will also be via Zoom RSVP
  • 7/22 – How to Compost in Chicago – 10AM-12PM at Sulzer Library, 4555 N Lincoln. Come learn about the importance of composting in achieving waste reduction goals, hear about policies and programs the city is considering, and learn about ways to compost in your backyard or with private services. More details to come.    
  • 7/29 – Ravenswood Neighbors Garden Crawl. More details to come. 


  • 8/19 – 47th Ward Eco-Fest, 10AM-2PM at Welles Park. More details to come. 


  • How to Talk to Your Children About Change -details tba