Winter Solstice ~
Bring a Friends, Light a Fire of Hope
Riverbank Neighbors will celebrate the Winter Solstice next
Sunday, December 18, 2022, from 4:00 until 6:00
at Berteau and the River
We will gather together to share food and drinks, songs and stories, news and poetry
as the sun sets on the shortest day, and longest night, of the year.
We will have a fire burning to acknowledge the Sol, the Sun,
and its life-giving energy, and to take heart that from that day forward the days will lengthen,
finally delivering us into Spring at the Vernal Equinox on March 20, 2023.
Please bring Friends and Food and Drink to share.
Let us know if you can come early or stay late to help with set up and clean up.
If you are able, please consider making a contribution to Riverbank Neighbors work,
by writing a tax deductible check to :
Friends of the Chicago River / Riverbank Neighbors
411 S. Wells St. #800
Chicago, IL 60607
Attn: Amy Comstock
Neighborhood Natural Areas Symposium and Celebration
Save the date
On Saturday, January 28, 10:00 – 1:00
Riverbank Neighbors and Waters Ecology
will host a symposium and celebration to recognize and honor the transformation of land in our neighborhood from barren wastelands to rich diverse and beautifully restored ecosystems. We will also be honoring others hard at work to connect our neighborhoods and natural sanctuaries to give us hope, and to create life-saving habitats for animals, insects, birds and… people. It is also a call for us to step up our work for a planet that is livable, and beautiful for our children; for our government, and schools, and churches, mosques, synagogues, and businesses to step up our work, to drop into a higher and more serious gear in addressing climate change, environmental and social justice, NOW, where we live.
We will display 30 years of photos, video, artifacts, news clippings and music and theater, all home grown, that document this amazing work. Please mark your calendar and spread the word.
Burn Workshop in February
Also, in mid February we will be presenting a Burn Workshop for neighbors and friends to gain knowledge and understanding about prescribed burns of natural areas, and to gain beginning qualification to assist. Stay tuned for time and date.
Riverbank Neighbors Stewards